Solar Panel Cleaning

The importance of keeping your panels clean

Unlock the full potential of your solar panel system with WHP Solar’s specialised cleaning service. Over time, solar panels can collect dirt, dust, and debris that hinder their performance, reducing energy output significantly.

Don’t let your investment go to waste. Our experienced team at WHP Solar utilises advanced, eco-friendly cleaning techniques to carefully remove these obstructions, restoring your panels to their optimal efficiency. Regular cleaning not only enhances the performance but also prolongs the lifespan of your system, ensuring a continued return on your investment. With WHP Solar’s cleaning service, you’re not just maintaining the appearance of your solar panels; you’re maximising their functionality and contributing to a sustainable future.

Contact us today and let WHP Solar keep your solar panel system operating at its best.

Solar System Repairs

Solar panel repairs are vital for the longevity and efficiency of your solar energy system. Even with the most robust solar installations, unexpected issues, such as broken panels, wiring problems, or inverter failures, can arise.

At WHP Solar, we understand the importance of prompt and professional repair services. Our skilled technicians are equipped to diagnose and fix problems using quality components from leading brands like Trina Solar, Clenergy, and Huawei. With WHP Solar’s repair services, you can rest assured that your system’s performance will be swiftly restored, allowing you to continue enjoying clean, renewable energy without interruption.

Cleaning Solar Panels From NZ's Leading Brands

We can any solar panel including those of NZs leading solar brands.

Looking to book a solar panel clean?

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