Specialists In Solar Panel Systems

All WHP Solar do is soalr panel systems. Our team take pride in designing solutions that provide energy efficient power in the places we live, work and play

Solar Panels

solar panel - solar panel installer hamilton

How a solar panel system works

A solar panel system is a powerful synergy of technology and nature, comprised mainly of solar panels, inverters, and batteries, all working together to harness and utilize the sun’s energy.

Solar panels are the starting point of this renewable energy journey. Composed of photovoltaic (PV) cells, these panels capture sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. Whether it’s a bright sunny day or a cloud-filled sky, solar panels continually absorb sunlight, transforming solar energy into electrical power.

The DC electricity generated by the solar panels needs to be converted into the alternating current (AC) used by most household and business devices. That’s where the inverter comes in. As the technological bridge in the system, the inverter performs the critical task of converting DC power into AC power. This seamless transformation allows the harvested solar energy to integrate with the existing electrical infrastructure of your home or business.

Solar batteries add an essential layer of flexibility and efficiency to the system. During the day, when solar panels might produce more energy than you consume, the surplus energy is stored in the solar batteries. When sunlight is scarce, the stored energy can be drawn upon at night or cloudy days. The batteries release this stored energy, ensuring a continuous and stable power supply and allowing you to maximize the benefits of solar power even when the sun isn’t shining.

At WHP Solar, we provide a cohesive solution that combines these key components, crafting a solar panel system that aligns with your unique needs and lifestyle.

From selecting top-quality solar panels from renowned brands like Trina Solar, Clenergy, and Huawei, to integrating cutting-edge inverters and solar batteries, we design systems that offer both efficiency and reliability. By investing in a WHP Solar system, you are stepping into a future of clean, renewable energy, reduced energy bills, and a sustainable contribution to our planet.

Have any questions about which one is right for you?